Yahoo! has released a new version of Yahoo! Finance for iOS. The app has a completely new interface, in line with the redesigns of other Yahoo! apps, like Mail and Weather. You can follow different stocks, and their numbers appear at the top of the app. Tap the '%' or '$' to switch between viewing a stock's value change in either percentage or dollars. Scroll down to view the market overview for your country, and even further down to read the latest related news.
Tap one of the stocks you follow for more detailed information. A graph of the stock's activity can display activity from several time periods. The day's activity, the last five days, three months, six months, the last year, five years, and finally, the lifetime of the stock. You can either tap the graph or turn your device to one side in order to expand the graph view. Get company-specific news, and view things like the company's market cap, their opening price, and their 52-week high and low.
You can find stocks to follow, as well as unfollow and reorder the stocks that you're already tracking, by tapping the magnifying glass in the top right corner. Use the search bar to find stocks, and tap Edit to reorder or delete any of your current favorites. Tap the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the app to sign in to your Yahoo account, and check the status of world markets, bonds, currencies, and more.
Since Yahoo! also powers the iOS 7 Stocks application, the question has to be asked; Apple's app, or this one from Yahoo?
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