Trading System Where You Invest in stocks for the 2-4 Year Moves!
Invest in Stocks Like a Venture Capitalist And Make HUGE Money!
True wealth is created by investing in growth stocks:
Here?s a novel idea in today?s rush, rush age. When people are obsessed with day trading, micro management, forex, technical analysis, options, swing trading, news channels, Squawk boxes. Instead of micro managing your stock trading to death and scrapping for small bits of chump change INVEST in stocks with the hope of holding onto young, fast growing companies for the most explosive 2-4 years growth.
With most people thinking the money is in intra day micro moves, the art of finding growth stocks with the potential to make 500%, 1,000%,5,000%+ moves have almost been forgotten.

Let?s just play a simply ?dream? game for a WHILE. Say you somehow found a stock like HANS in 2004 and bought at 500 shares at $15. You then went on a 2 year tour of the world and forgot all about it. Never even once did you think ?how is that stock doing?? You never once over-laid any technical indicators, or summoned the help of the chat room Gurus to tell you where the stock is going and when to bail out.
When the stock doubled, tripled and more you didn?t panic and sell simply because you didn?t even know about it. You peacefully and blissfully went out and lived your life and let the stock do what it wanted.
So on your return you decide to look back in on the price and can?t believe your eyes?THE STOCK is at $200 and to make it even better is split a few times on the way. So in real money terms it is now worth $400. Low and behold your initial $7,500 is now worth (500 X $400) or (1,000 X $200) = $200,000. You feel like you won the lottery and phone your broker to cash out! Your broker pats you on the back and tells you are his most successful stock ?trader.? Why don;?t you write a book about it and make even more money. TV shows await..LOL
But do you see what I am getting at? Stocks do this. Not very often but on enough occasion to make it worthwhile. Remember this?.?you only need to get rich once? OK in the above example it would have been better had the investor invested >$50,000 initially, to cash out with $1,33M but that comes with time. Instead of day trading,swing trading or jumping al lover the place losing money the big money is made from the BIG moves! Got it?
Go and look at stocks like TASR that went from $2 to $330
NTRI $5 $75+
CROX $10 $140
TIE $10 to $350 It split so many times on the way 4 times I remember?)
HANS $5 $400

But you aren?t putting your-self in the position to invest in these explosive little gems of trades how can you possibly EVER snag one?
Now, I have not uncovered any Holy Grail. I want to make that clear. Yes I snagged stocks like NTRI,CROX,HANS,TASR for massive gains but for every success there were 5+ failures. It?s a fact you will lose on more trades than you make. And hitting those huge winners only happens from time to time. I had plenty of stocks where I only made 50%+ that 50% profit isn?t great but my whole success is built on those 20+ ?baggers? that unfold over a few years.
There is no magic ?Holy Grail Secret? here only a system I have developed over the years that puts me in the position to snag these fantastic moves.
It?s a complete course with skype coaching sessions to make sure you understand it fully! With examples and the trading rules. No padding needed nor wanted. Your biggest danger in making big money from stocks is your-self. People can?t grasp what it really takes to sit with winners for years if needed. To sit out big draw-downs and flat periods. You want action. So your broker and gurus gives it you. But in truth to make big money you need to find stocks with the potential to make 20+ times your money and hold on through the corrections along the way.
In short you need to stop trading and start investing like the Venture Capitalists do. They will invest in dozens, hundreds of high risk start ups with the ?hope? 5% go onto make 1,000+ times their money back. Let?s face it you only needed to ever find one company like Google, Facebook, Ebay, etc when it started out, invest some money and you would have made millions. OK those opportunities aren?t open to us but this is the next best thing.
Invest For The Huge Moves in Stocks
A little bit about why and how
- The scan you need to run, where to run it and why these numbers. Prices, volume and more
- You then need to go to this site and check these ?fundamentals?. The stock either passes or it?s scrapped.
- How to enter with how much
- How to Exit
That?s it. A complete system. How to find and trade these stocks.
The scan is very ?tight? By tight I mean it isn?t going to throw stocks at you every day. Nor should you want it to. These stocks, whilst appearing from time to time aren?t going to present them-selves ever week/month. It goes in cycles. 2003-2005 I was getting 1 or 2 of these every month. That?s where we nailed moves like HANS, TASR, TIE etc. Then 2007+ onwards it really dried up. It?s cyclical. From 2009 we got back into great moves in LULU, DECK and a couple of others.
I just want you to remember one point. You only need to get rich once. Everyone dream of winning the lotto. But it isn?t going to happen. Everyone dreams of buying a $7 stock and watching it soar to $300+ Well that does happen. And it will happen IF you have the discipline to find and invest in these stocks. Have you ever in your life gained over 1,000% form an initial investment? Would you like to know how it feels?
Email me to order and chat.
Q) So how many billions are you worth?
ANS: none. I started with just $20,000 investing in the 90?s and developed this method during the bear market of 2001 2002. My first huge winner was TASR. I also nailed HANS (MNST) and TIE for huge moves. I have capped my account trading way at a level where I never added to my initial investment.
Q) How often do these huge move come along?
ANS: Not very often. It?s a fact. Stocks like TASR, HANS, TIE probably come along every 2-3 years. But if you aren?t ?fishing in the right river with the right bait? you?ll never catch one.
Q) How accurate is the system?
ANS: What do you mean by accuracy? How often do I snag a 20+ return on initial investment? Not often at all. About 1 in 10 trades. The rest are either smaller winners 50% to 100% or small losers to flat. BUT that ONE huge winner (20,30,40+ times your money) will dwarf all the others. Get away form % winning trades. It?;s complete B*S* pushed by vendors who like to feed false promises to newbies.
Q) What kind of % returns can we achieve?
ANS: You have to get away from trying to make XX% per annum. The markets are simply not like this. In fact the more you think like this the more you will lose. In 2004,05,06 I made over 70% in each year. There were quite a number (TASR,TZOO,HANS,TIE,NTRI,CROX) of superb stocks to invest in. Then in 2006/07 I had two losing to flat years. I was down -13% and flat. Then 2009/10/11 I am back up in the +40% returns. This is how it goes. You will have 2 or 3 really good years followed by 1 or 2 flat to small losing years. And this is why I would never advise anyone to trade full-time. When you try to force the market to give you steady yearly gains you?ll lose money. Live for those 70%+ years. Learn to sit on the sidelines, protecting your earned money during the corrections/bear markets.? The stocks them-selves will simply show you when to be in and when to be on the sidelines.
Q) How long do we hold stocks for?
ANS: Hopefully 3+ years. You cannot hope to make 30,40+ times your money in the space of a few weeks. These plays take years to unfold. You?ll have to hold through big corrections and flat periods. The big money isn?t made from micro management and day trading. It?;s from making investments that can make you 40+ times your money over a few years! If you believe that great. If you are still convinced the path to riches is short term swing or even day trading..Good luck!
Q) Do you time or predict the stock market?
ANS: Absolutely NOT, NEVER, Why? Why bother even trying to predict? The whole predicting industry is a complete joke. May as well go and get your palm read. Throw it all away. Yes markets are cyclical. Yes they boom and crash. Simply accept that and ride it.
Q) What exactly do we get here?
ANS: My system rules. With many examples. A DVD with some trades and I?ll go through the system. 2 one on one skype chats to make sure you have the system understood. Email contact. I?ll also email you the stocks that have made it onto my buy list after performing all auto and manual scans. The system and DVD are posted to your address. Do not expect a 100+ page ringed binder as well. It?s quite a simple set of specific rules with examples. This isn?t entertainment. This system took me 3 years to perfect from 2001 to 2003. The pay off IF you apply it at times can be staggering.?? Email me if interested.
Can I chat about investing in young fast growing companies a little as opposed to short term trading?
Look at a little gem like NFLX. These fast growing, game changing stocks can offer you returns like nothing else IF you ride them for all they are worth! There?s no point in jumping out with small profits if you leave major profits behind.

See about 1995 the world changed. Whether you knew about it at the time or not business changed for-ever. How? The Internet. It levelled the playing field.? Look at NFLX again. What caused this move? NFLX beat an old time stalwart stock Blockbuster by adapting faster to a changing demand.
NetFlix ? Forced Blockbuster to abandon its cash cow ? movie rental late fees ? to try to stay competitive while NetFlix completely changed the movie rental model on them. NetFlix is now approaching 4 million subscribers and the ?dark years? of late fees are now only a horror story.
Companies like TASR, small fast, dynamic product adapted quicker to a changing demand and their stock price went up thousands of %. ? Small is better nowadays. Things change too fast for the old, huge companies to adapt. Now, you do not have to be aware of this. (my system rules take care of all this) but Mutual funds and investing in ?Blue Chip? stocks is finished now. The big money is made by investing in smaller, game changing companies who experience MASSIVE growth!
What you?re seeing more and more of are David and Goliath match-ups where David is kicking Goliath?s proverbial ass in a pretty big way. Big companies aren?t geared toward addressing rapidly changing market opportunities ? start-ups are. The next generation of start-ups has learned that it?s their speed that is keeping them ahead, not their size. And it?s the same in stock investing. Simply grab onto these young companies coat tails and go along for the ride with them.
? So instead of trying to create better ?trading systems? switch them off and think ?where, how is the true wealth created?? Would you rather be a great ?day trade? or have the common sense to buy into a TASR, NFLX, GOOG, EBAY, HANS,TIE at the start of their moves and simply held on for a few years?
Contact me if interested.
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